School BMX workshops & assemblies by  Mike Mullen - 6x BMX Halfpipe Champion

Mike Mullen is a Pro BMX rider & 6x Halfpipe Champion with 16 years experience working in schools. Find out more about Mike here >>

BMX Academy is my concept of using what I've learned from my BMX career to help school children build resilience and develop stronger mindsets.

Everything we do is designed to empower children by role modelling a growth mindset approach and encouraging children to stretch their comfort zones.

Children are taught to self motivate, close the 'I Can't Door' and use positive self talk to learn each trick.
We have a range of school experiences including BMXing, Scootering, Inline Skating and Skateboarding. Including assemblies, trick displays and practical workshops with all equipment provided. Giving children a high quality and memorable experience is our main priority, so all visits are delivered by experts, European, World or Olympic champions.

School BMX Experience with Mike Mullen

My School Assemblies share my story of how BMXing helped improve my confidence. Shifting from a shy boy with a fixed mindset, to becoming a BMX champion by adopting a growth mindset. Key messages:
  • Closing the 'I Can't Door'
  • Learning from Failure
  • Finding Courage for scary tricks
  • Building Resilience
My BMX Workshops are fun, action packed practical workshops catering for 60 children per day (Learner riders can be included).
Children get to experience the thrill of learning BMX tricks in their school playground. But also learn mindset techniques to handle any fear around each trick challenge.

All equipment provided: Helmets for all, bikes supplied to share, insurance & risk assessments. Find out more about my BMX Experience

Scootering Experience

Inline Skating Experience

Olympic Inspiration Morning

Terry Price is a World & European Champion in Scooting and delivers our Scooter Experience:
  • Inspirational assembly
  • Trick display
  • Scooter workshops for 60x Y1-Y6
Danny Aldridge UK and World Inline Skating Champion and delivers our Inline Skating Experience:
  • Inspirational assembly
  • Trick display
  • Inline workshops for 60x Y5/6s
Declan Brooks Tokyo 2020 BMX Freestyle Medalist shares his inspirational story in a school assembly followed by visits to all classrooms for children to hold an Olympic medal:
  • Inspirational assembly
  • Live trick display from Declan
  • Classroom visits for Q&A, medal photos etc

More about our Scooter Experience

Mission Statement: Unlocking confidence and belief through action sports experiences 

 To bring an exciting and empowering expereicne day to your school, please contact us using the form below >>
Please note BMX Skate & Scoot Academy provides school and party workshops only, 1 to 1 coaching not available

Contact us for a quote

"I have to say Mike is the most talented speaker I have worked with in 25 years of teaching!
He held their attention for 50 minutes in assembly, but knew exactly when to call a halt and get them out to their groups. He was very clever in the way he filtered relevant ideas in during the assembly, but he did not overload them with information.
He was in no hurry to leave and stayed on into the lunch hour to talk BMX with a group who are involved, again this was a genuine interest.
Mike was a true gentleman and an extraordinary speaker. He really inspired the students and I have had outstanding feedback from every member of staff involved.
I strongly believe students & staff will remember the day & it’s meaning for years. One of my best days on the job."

Geoff Harris - Head of Y8 Fairlingaye High School

"I thought Mike was coming to school to give the pupils an incredible BMX experience, which indeed he did and it generated a lot of buzz around the school beforehand. However, he delivered far more than I was expecting for our pupils and me. Mike’s delivery about Growth Mindset in his assembly made more sense than any course I’ve ever been on or any book I’ve ever read about it before.
At first, the pupils cheered and whooped from the moment he began talking, excited by his stunts and achievements, videos and photos, but they were utterly mesmerised when he talked about how he first failed. And then failed again. And again. 
He not only spoke to the children about choosing to say “I can” and taking control of their choices, he demonstrated it first hand, and then empowered them, every single one of them, to do the exact same thing as they took their turns on their bikes. He used techniques and language that I will be using with the children in class tomorrow and everyday from now on.
Today was a profound, powerful learning opportunity for our pupils and staff. "

Laura Miller - Wincham Primary

Mike, I’d like to say a massive thank you!  Yesterday when you were at Westfield Primary, you convinced my daughter to get on a bike again.

Her teachers may have told you that she used to love riding and then nearly 2 years ago after getting a new bike for her 8th birthday, she was in a road accident when she was out riding.  A car hit her and she was thrown off her bike and landed in the middle of the road and was quite hurt.

Since then we have tried many times to encourage her to ride again without much success.  She even asked for permission to not join the session yesterday.  Starting from that position, how you talked to her and encouraged her to go back on is quite amazing.  She came home from school beaming asking for her bike again!

It’s so wonderful that she wants to ride again, thank you so much for showing her how to overcome her panic and fear.

Mrs L - Parent of Y5 child from Westfield Primary School

"As a teacher I've seen so many different people come in from outside to do assemblies and work with the children and Mike’s is easily up there as one of the best. Mike’s story is a great inspiration for the children and it perfectly embodies what we're trying to foster in the children - an ability to believe in yourself, embrace your mistakes, dig in deep when you need to and all the while being mindful.

Adrian Bethune - Author of ‘Wellbeing in the Primary Classroom’
Teacher at Westfield Primary School

”On behalf of Ley Hill School, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to you both for two of the best days that we have had at Ley Hill school for a long time. The children absolutely loved the experience and are still talking about 'Flearning' and 'Practice make Progress'; something that I will continue to use when delivering assemblies linked to our school values.
I have received some lovely comments from our parents to say that their children came home 'buzzing' and desperate to purchase a BMX and Scooter so that they could continue to practice the skills that they had learnt.

What an inspirational team you are - it's been such a joy to see the children so inspired to take on challenges that they would have otherwise said they couldn't do. Our Year 6 children are on residential this week and the feedback that I have received daily is that they are 'giving it a go' despite feeling completely out of their comfort zone.

Thank you for sewing that seed of positivity to really kick-start their confidence for secondary school. We're so grateful for the opportunity to work with you both and can't wait for your return.”.

Victoria Lang - Headteacher - Ley Hill School

“What Mike achieved in just over an hour was nothing short of miraculous! My class were captivated from the first moment and worked hard to accomplish all the challenges and tricks offered to them; for some, this was pedalling and waving with one hand, for many this meant standing on the bike frame with one foot or balancing in a 'Titanic' pose.
They have already taken on Mike's 'I can' attitude and adapted his concepts of 'Rise Above' and 'Flearning' to all areas of the curriculum. It was exactly what they needed, thank you.”

Amanda Ward - Assistant Head
Rackham C of E Primary

"For me, hands down the best school visitor I've ever seen! The kids and all of us loved it!
The real WOW moment for me though was, yesterday when one of our more challenging students was on the verge of a moment, his words were "what would Mike do?" How fantastic is that!
It was everything I could have asked from the day and fitted beautifully into our school values."

Carole Carter - Head - Sowe Valley Primary School

"I cannot tell you what an amazing day we all had on Tuesday - it was such a valuable experience for all of the children...and the adults loved it too! I am so thankful for your professionalism and kindness towards the children. It's amazing what they were able to achieve in a relatively short amount of time.

Obviously your tricks and stunts were incredible but I thought it was so valuable that you also showed a trick you are still learning and that you hadn't quite perfected yet - a very powerful message to the children.

We will certainly have you back again next year!"

Jen Bromley - Y6 Hockley Primary

"Outstanding, is how I would describe my BMX experience. Everything about it was amazing, there is nothing I would change. It’s given me so much confidence when riding a bike, it’s crazy……. He was very inspiring and he would cheer on everyone." - Sarah Y6

‘Amazing! Mike Mullen taught me things that I didn’t believe I could do. He broke skills down in to very small steps to help us. My favourite trick that I learned was standing on the seat with one foot…’ Callum Y5

"A truly inspirational day for all the children at Crawford's Primary, but especially for one year 5 pupil who, thanks to Mike's expertise and calm, confident manner, achieved his dream and learnt to ride a bike.
Having previously being too scared to even sit on the saddle, through Mike's mentoring, he was riding a bike within 45 minutes. 
Definitely my best day at work since I started teaching! Thank you so much Mike - bikes, tricks and so much more that the pupils will never forget - they are now proud to "flearn".

Ginny Nunn
Crawfords Primary School

"We all thoroughly enjoyed Mike's fantastic, fun assembly and the children thrived in the workshops. I asked them for their feedback and here is just some of what they all had to say:

I have more of a growth mindset and will keep on flearning.
I stepped outside my comfort zone.
I can now open the I Can door and I've closed the I Can't door!
Mike gave me the confidence to ride a bike.
I will Rise Above problems.
I had a really good time, it made my day better.

Some truly positive responses and we have continued to use the phrases "Rise Above" and "Flearning" in our lessons since Mike's visit."

Aileen Holland Y6 teacher - Thomas Willingale Primary

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